Note Legali

Il presente sito è proprietà esclusiva di Dox-al Italia S.p.A. (Doxal), società con sede legale in Piazzale Luigi Cadorna, 10 – 20123 – Milano – e sede operativa in Via Mascagni, 6/A – 20884 – SULBIATE (MB) – R.E.A. MB 827985 – P.I. IT00729770966 – C.F. 02117690152 – SDI SAØPL6Q.


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Il sito potrebbe contenere link verso altri siti Web esterni che sono creati ed ospitati da terzi, sui quali Doxal non ha controllo e di cui Doxal non è in nessun modo responsabile.
Doxal si riserva la facoltà di modificare, sospendere, interrompere anche solo parzialmente i servizi, inclusa l’accessibilità al database o ai contenuti. Doxal può anche introdurre limitazioni di accesso o di servizi, in tutto o in parte, senza preavviso e senza assumersi responsabilità per tale limitazione di servizio.


© Dox-al Italia S.p.A. – Via Mascagni 6/A 20884 Sulbiate (MB) – P.IVA nr. 00729770966


A. CATEGORIES OF DATA: subject of treatment can be your personal information such as identification data, personal data and contact details.

B. DATA CONTROLLER: the data controller is Dox-al  Italia S.p.A., Via Pietro Mascagni, 6 – 20884 Sulbiate (MB ), VAT number 00729770966 , which can be contacted by phone at 039.62051 or by email

C. SOURCE OF PERSONAL DATA: the personal data held by the Data Controller are collected directly from the interested party.

D. PURPOSE OF DATA PROCESSING AND LEGAL BASIS: the processing of your data, collected and stored in relation to the completion of this form, has your consent as its legal basis and is carried out for the following purposes: to provide assistance and technical support services or information required

E. DATA RECIPIENTS: within the limits relevant to the processing purposes indicated, your data may be disclosed to partners, consultancy companies, private companies, appointed as Managers by the Data Controller. Your data will not be disseminated in any way.

F. TRANSFER OF DATA TO THIRD COUNTRIES: this site may share some of the data collected with services located outside the European Union area.

G. PERIOD OF CONSERVATION: the data collected will be kept for a period of time not exceeding the achievement of the purposes for which they are processed (” conservation limitation principle “, Article 5, GDPR) or according to the deadlines set by the regulations of law. The verification of the obsolescence of the data stored in relation to the purposes for which they were collected is carried out periodically.

H. RIGHTS OF THE INTERESTED PARTY: the interested party always has the right to request the Data Controller to access your data, correct or delete them, limit the processing or the possibility of opposing the processing, to request data portability , to revoke the consent to the processing by asserting these and the other rights provided by the GDPR by simply communicating to the Data Controller. The interested party can also lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority

I. OBLIGATORY OR LESS CONFERRAL: we inform you that the provision of data is optional for some fields and compulsory for others (indicated by an asterisk) and their failure to provide it involves the failure to perform the requested service.

J . DATA PROCESSING METHOD: the personal data you provide will be the subject of processing operations in compliance with the aforementioned legislation and the confidentiality obligations which inspire the activity of the Data Controller. The data will be processed both with IT tools and on paper and on any other type of suitable support, in compliance with the appropriate security measures pursuant to the GDPR.

K . AUTOMATED DECISION-MAKING PROCESSES: there are no automated decision-making processes

Last update: November 2020